Industrial Safety

What are the purpose and benefits of Good Lighting in the workplace?

Purpose of lighting: We receive 80% of information through our eyes. To increase work efficiency proper illuminations are to be arranged. Better lightings pay off through higher efficiency. It is the management’s responsibility to arrange proper lighting. Sufficient illuminations should be arranged. As our age increases the eye-sight power diminishes. The light may be natural

What are the purpose and benefits of Good Lighting in the workplace? Read More »


What are Slips, trips, and falls, and how to prevent slip trips and falls at work?

Slips trips and falls are among the most common causes of accidents and injury at work. Slips: A slip occurs when there is too little traction or friction between the shoe and the walking surface. Trips : The main cause of trips is obstructions in walking areas. A trip occurs when a person’s foot contacts

What are Slips, trips, and falls, and how to prevent slip trips and falls at work? Read More »


What Is Industrial Safety and why it is important (Protecting Lives and Ensuring Productivity) in 2023?

The main goal of industrial safety is to prevent workplace accidents, injuries, illness, or death. Before we know about industrial safety let us know what is safety. Safety is a condition that gives you freedom from hazards, risks, and accidents that may cause injury, damage, loss of material or property damage, and even death. In

What Is Industrial Safety and why it is important (Protecting Lives and Ensuring Productivity) in 2023? Read More »